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Boat Angling Regional reports

EASTERN - Wallasea 17th May 2024

  Name Points Fish
1 K. Mower 195 11 Bass and 2 Smoothounds
2 B. Sandford 153 2 Smoothounds, 8 Bass and 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish
3 R. Martin 135 5 Smoothonds and 4 Bass
4 Neon LIng 123 7 bass, 3 dabs, 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish and 1 other
5 Dave Holmes 97 5 bass, 1 dab, 14 Smoothound and 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish
6 Keith Turner 22 1 Smoothounds, 1 Dab and 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish
7 J. North DNF  


Keith Mower receives the winners cup from organiser Ray Martin.

2023 Qualifiers -  K. Mower, B. Sandford & R. Martin


LONDON - Wallasea 17th May 2024

1. Graham Berry        168           - 11 Bass and 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish
1  Brian de Souza      150            - 2 Smoothound and 8 Bass
2  Steve Doherty       120            - 6 Bass and 2 Smoothounds
3  Ollie Mascarenos   75            - 3 Bass and 2 Smoothounds

Qualifiers 2024 - G. Berry, B. de Souza and S. Doherty


2024 Qualifiers -


2024 Qualifiers - 


No qualifier currently being run. If you are a CSSC member in this region would you consider running an event? 


2024 Qualifiers -

2024 Qualifiers -


2024 Qualifiers -


Well, this years CSSC Northwest Region Sea boat comp took three dates to take place as we had two blow offs. But on the 10th August we did get the boats out. Due to cancelations and dropout’s due to planned commitments we ended up with only 10 competitors from a starting point of 16 but all were keen to qualify for the nationals. Good sailing time and all keen to get on with the day we used the usual two boats Jensen and Suveran. Due to number space was well allocated with 4 on Jensen the smaller boat and 6 on Suveran. All competitors due their peg / boat and made there way on board. Boats sailed prompt at 8. Well throughout the day boats stayed close to each other with friendly competition between Simon and Tony (skippers) to which boat was getting the better species. We fished a wreck, rough ground, the wind turbines and then a few drifts over mixed ground. Both boats looking for the species. Well the results speak for themselves. Most people picking up 10+ recordable species and a good number of fish. After a long day the boats finished and headed back to add up the results. Both boats fished well and this was bourn out buy the top three. Winning this year was Nigel Conlen wit 13 species and total of 216 points on Jensen, in 2nd with only 1 point separating him from 3rd was Malcolm Duff with 12 Species but 202 Points, and 3rd was Keith Lees with 13 Species and 201 Points. Well done to these three very close results. They will represent the northwest next year at Milford Haven 05.07.24. Good luck gents.


Nigel Conlon 216 13 1st

Malcolm Duff 202 12 2nd

Keith Lees 201 13 3rd

Chris Neden 179 11 4th

Ashley Robertson 162 10 5th

Paul Whiteley 157 10 6th

Alan Turner 141 9 7th

Andrew Gunn 140 10 8th

Derek Smalley 137 7 9th

Ian Brown 126 8 10th

2024 Qualifiers - Nigel Conlon, Malcolm Duff & Keith Lees.


No qualifier currently being organised. If you are a CSSC member in this region would you consider running an event? 

2024 Qualifiers - 

2024 Qualifiers -