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BOAT ANGLING                                         

2024 Milford Haven, S. Wales 5th July

Report by Bob Poole

This year's final was out of Milford, Pembrokeshire, different from the norm in that there are two fishing charter boats and two dive charter boats. Everyone wanted to draw the two fishing boats,  but more of that later.

There were some dramas before the event, the hotel had changed hands two weeks before and the booking hadn't been carried over. Luckily, Tony, the treasurer, had checked and got things back on course.
The hotel managed to feed everyone in good time on the morning of the event, and the competitors got to Mackerel Quay nice and early, only to find a fair was being set up in the car park. A new parking area was found, and the boats set off towards the Atlantic. Some big swells greeted us, but we had found a weather window of little wind and sunshine.

Being a team competition, the boats could go anywhere they liked, but only had six hours of fishing and travelling once the match had started. Three boats went straight for the islands, where there were a lot of varied fishing marks within a small area. Celtic Discovery, a dive boat, went drifting for Gurnard and Sandeels. Only the Gurnard obliged with some Scad and other odds and sods. This proved to be a good tactic as no other boats caught these species. The boat went onto a patch of rough ground, which held a good mix of species that kept the scoresheet ticking over nicely. Meanwhile, the other three boats were trying various marks around the islands where, although full of fish were also full of ledges and pinnacles. Tackle losses were high. Most boats went onto anchoring, except Celtic Discovery, which had now started drifting the tackle graveyard. At the halfway point, Ian McLean (SW) was ahead on Overdale, Graham Lund (Y) and Mitch Johnson (M) was at the top of Lady Gail. Micky Duff (NW) was looking favourite on the boat of doom, Atlantic Blue, so called as most of the top anglers had been drawn on it. Bob Poole (M) was looking good on Celtic discovery, although Andy Daniels (SW) had a lot of different species.

The main target spcies on the drifting were, Pollack, Wrasse, Pouting and Gurnard. The second half, whilst anchored on rough ground, was Conger, Bull Huss, Dogfish, Rays, and Dabs. Aled Daniels (W) managed a 25lb Tope early on and allegedly did a complete tour of the boat trying to get it under control. Micky Duff (NW) was catching loads of Bull Huss on the same boat. Ian McLean (SW) was catching anything and everything, whilst Cetic Discovery was having anchored problems. After a conflab with the steward, the skipper decided to  lose thirty minutes of fishing time and run for the off-loading berths where mackerel and bass had been showing. This proved to be inspired as numbers of high scoring bass were caught. After lines up was called on each boat, they made it back to Mackerel Quay. As the competitors met up, team mates discussed the successes and failures and guessed where they had come on the boat... it was noticeable that the boat of doom produced a number of sad faces. During all this speculation, a shout was heard. It was ignored.  Then Bob Poole's phone rang. Mitch Johnson had managed to drop his rods in the water. No one saw him as he was last on the pontoon. Help was dispatched, and the rods recovered.

Back at the hotel, the Angling Council added up the scores and prepared for the presentation. The results were close, very close, with tie breaks in a lot of cases. After a superb meal, the presentation was made. Chairman Mitch Joihnson gave an entertaining speech, mostly at his own expense.

Celtic Discovery was won by Bob Poole (M) and Andy Daniels (SW) second.
Lady Gail was won by Graham Lund (Y) with Mich Johnson (M) second.
Overdale was won by Ian McLean (SW) with Gareth Johnson (N) second.
Atlantic Blue was won by Micky Duff (NW) with James Windebank (N) second.

The individual event was won by Bob Poole (M) with 201 points, Ian McLean (SW) was second with 190 points and third, after a tie break, was Micky Duff (NW) with 167 points.

Top team on 7 points were the South West, second were Northern on 8 points and third, after another tie break, were the Midlands with 9 points, edging out Wales after a fish count back.

Noticeably, the top four individuals came from four different boats,  and the top two came from the dive boats.

To summarise, Milford was good to us, with good weather, a good hotel, good fishing, and a really close result.

Previous year's results - 2008  2009  2010  2011 2012  2013  2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Please note that accommodation for these finals is booked at least a year in advance and numbers are based on the regional teams that we know will be taking part. If you want to bring your partner or make the event a family holiday you must contact the angling council first, do not approach the hotel.

There is more to preparation for these finals than sorting out your tackle and ordering bait. Unless you know who you will be sharing a room with get yourself a decent pair of earplugs just in case! Despite forecasts the weather is very changeable so bring seasickness tablets even if you have never been sick before and take them the the night before! 

Drinking alcohol during a competition is not an advised action. You should bear in mind your responsibilities to your team mates and fellow competitors. 

Whilst competing in the national finals on special leave you are deemed to be at work and are governed by normal Civil Service rules, as such you are expected to turn up at the boats to compete, occupy the room allocated to you and attend the presentation meal. Failure to comply with this timetable could cause you to be charged for non occupancy of rooms, charged for evening meals and may lead to disciplinary action by the Civil Service Sports Council or your employer. This also applies if you are retired as you are representing the CSSC.

3 MIDLANDS 9 - 433 fish points 9 SOUTH EAST 19
4 WALES 9 - 389 fish points 10 SOUTHERN 25
5 YORKSHIRE 10 - 394 fish points 11    
6 NORTH WEST 10 - 384 fish points 12    


1 BOB POOLE MIDLANDS 201 6 Bass, 5 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Tub Gurnard, 10 Mackerel, 10 Pollack, 2 Poor Cod, 3 Pouting and 9 Ballan Wrasse.
2 ANDY DANIELS SOUTH WEST 148 1 Bass, 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 7 Mackerel, 2 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Scad, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 7 Ballan Wrasse.
3 PHIL HARRIS WALES 142 5 Bass, 6 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 10 Mackerel, 3 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 1 Ballan Wrasse.
4 CHRIS STEPHENSON NORTHERN 140 3 Bass, 7 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Tub Gurnard, 6 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, and 1 Scad.
5 KEITH LEES NORTH WEST 104 1 Bull Huss, 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 1 Mackerel, 3 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 3 Ballan Wrasse.
6 RAY MARTIN EASTERN 95 6 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting and 6 Ballan Wrasse.
7 PAUL FOOT SOUTH EAST 93 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Mackerel, 1 Plaice, 1 Pollack, 2 Pouting and 4 Ballan Wrasse.
8 ERNIE SCASE SOUTHERN 68 1 Conger, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 3 Mackerel and 1 Pollack.


1 GRAHAM LUND YORKSHIRE 167 5 Bull Huss, 1 Conger, 10 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 5 Pollack, 2 Pouting, 5 Ballan Wrasse 1 Wrasse other and 2 Unclassified.
2 MITCH JOHNSON MIDLANDS 141 3 Bull Huss, 1 Conger, 1 Dab, 10 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
3 STEVE HORLE WALES 108 8 Bull Huss, 9 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 2 Sandeels and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
4 STEVE HARRIES SOUTH WEST 106 3 Bull Huss, 6 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Pollack, 2 Poor Cod and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
5 STEVE DOHERTY LONDON 92 3 Bull Huss, 7 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Gurnard other, 1 Whiting and 4 Ballan Wrasse.
6 IAN HARPER SOUTH EAST 86 7 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Gurnard other, 2 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 2 Scad and 1 Ballan Wrasse.
7 MARK DEVOY SOUTHERN 67 1 Bream, 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Pollack, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.


1 IAN McLEAN SOUTH WEST 190 5 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 7 Mackerel, 10 Pollack, 5 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, 1 Sandeel, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse, 1 Wrasse other and 5 Unclassified.
2 GARETH JOHNSON NORTHERN 118 4 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse, 1 Wrasse other and 1 Unclassified.
3 GRAHAM BERRY LONDON 115 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 10 Mackerel, 1 Sandeel, 1 Scad, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
4 CHRIS NEDEN NORTH WEST 113 10 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 5 Mackerel, 1 sandeel, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
5 IAN COLQUHOUN YORKSHIRE 99 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 7 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
6 BOB MITCHELL SOUTH EAST 86 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 5 Mackerel, 4 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
7 KEITH MOWER EASTERN 50 3 Mackerel, 2 Pollack, 1 Sandeel and 1 Cuckoo Wrasse.

1 MICK DUFF NORTH WEST 167 10 Bull Huss, 1 Conger, 1 Dab, 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 4 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 2 Unclassified.
2 JAMES WINDEBANK NORTHERN 140 6 Bull Huss, 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
3 ALED DANIELS WALES 139 5 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Tope, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
4 JOHN WRIGHT YORKSHIRE 128 2 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, 3 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
5 BOB SANDFORD EASTERN 95 2 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Gurnard other, 1 Poor Cod, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
6 CHRIS PATTINSON MIDLANDS 91 5 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Pollack, 1 Pouting and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
7 BRIAN DE SOUZA LONDON 53 4 Bull Huss, 1 Pollack, 1 Pouting and 1 Sandeel.


Individual Results

1 BOB POOLE MIDLANDS 201 6 Bass, 5 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Tub Gurnard, 10 Mackerel, 10 Pollack, 2 Poor Cod, 3 Pouting and 9 Ballan Wrasse.
2 IAN McLEAN SOUTH WEST 190 5 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 7 Mackerel, 10 Pollack, 5 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, 1 Sandeel, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse, 1 Wrasse other and 5 Unclassified.
3 MICK DUFF NORTH WEST 167 10 Bull Huss, 1 Conger, 1 Dab, 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 4 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 2 Unclassified.
4 GRAHAM LUND YORKSHIRE 167 5 Bull Huss, 1 Conger, 10 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 5 Pollack, 2 Pouting, 5 Ballan Wrasse 1 Wrasse other and 2 Unclassified.
5 ANDY DANIELS SOUTH WEST 148 1 Bass, 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 7 Mackerel, 2 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Scad, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 7 Ballan Wrasse.
6 PHIL HARRIS WALES 142 5 Bass, 6 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 10 Mackerel, 3 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 1 Ballan Wrasse.
7 MITCH JOHNSON MIDLANDS 141 3 Bull Huss, 1 Conger, 1 Dab, 10 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
8 JAMES WINDEBANK NORTHERN 140 6 Bull Huss, 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
9 CHRIS STEPHENSON NORTHERN 140 3 Bass, 7 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Tub Gurnard, 6 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, and 1 Scad.
10 ALED DANIELS WALES 139 5 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Tope, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
11 JOHN WRIGHT YORKSHIRE 128 2 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting, 3 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
12 GARETH JOHNSON NORTHERN 118 4 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse, 1 Wrasse other and 1 Unclassified.
13 GRAHAM BERRY LONDON 115 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 10 Mackerel, 1 Sandeel, 1 Scad, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
14 CHRIS NEDEN NORTH WEST 113 10 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 5 Mackerel, 1 sandeel, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
15 STEVE HORLE WALES 108 8 Bull Huss, 9 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 2 Sandeels and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
16 STEVE HARRIES SOUTH WEST 106 3 Bull Huss, 6 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Pollack, 2 Poor Cod and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
17 KEITH LEES NORTH WEST 104 1 Bull Huss, 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 1 Mackerel, 3 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 3 Ballan Wrasse.
18 IAN COLQUHOUN YORKSHIRE 99 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 7 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 5 Ballan Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
19 RAY MARTIN EASTERN 95 6 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Mackerel, 1 Pollack, 1 Poor Cod, 1 Pouting and 6 Ballan Wrasse.
20 BOB SANDFORD EASTERN 95 2 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Gurnard other, 1 Poor Cod, 2 Cuckoo Wrasse and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
21 PAUL FOOT SOUTH EAST 93 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 4 Mackerel, 1 Plaice, 1 Pollack, 2 Pouting and 4 Ballan Wrasse.
22 STEVE DOHERTY LONDON 92 3 Bull Huss, 7 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Gurnard other, 1 Whiting and 4 Ballan Wrasse.
23 CHRIS PATTINSON MIDLANDS 91 5 Bull Huss, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Pollack, 1 Pouting and 5 Ballan Wrasse.
24 IAN HARPER SOUTH EAST 86 7 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Gurnard other, 2 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 2 Scad and 1 Ballan Wrasse.
25 BOB MITCHELL SOUTH EAST 86 1 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 5 Mackerel, 4 Pollack, 1 Pouting, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 1 Wrasse other.
26 ERNIE SCASE SOUTHERN 68 1 Conger, 2 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 1 Tub Gurnard, 3 Mackerel and 1 Pollack.
27 MARK DEVOY SOUTHERN 67 1 Bream, 3 Lesser Spotted Dogfish, 2 Pollack, 1 Cuckoo Wrasse and 1 Unclassified.
28 BRIAN DE SOUZA LONDON 53 4 Bull Huss, 1 Pollack, 1 Pouting and 1 Sandeel.
29 KEITH MOWER EASTERN 50 3 Mackerel, 2 Pollack, 1 Sandeel and 1 Cuckoo Wrasse.