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Shore Angling Regional reports


1st leg 20.11.19 Deal

Six people competed and conditions were very good. 86 Whiting, 7 Rockling, 5 Dogfish, 3 Pouting, 1 Plaice and 1 Codling were caught.

1   Paul Foot           1052 cms  39 fish
2   Simon North        867 cms  33 fish
3   Robert Mitchell  754 cms  30 fish

2nd leg 25.03.22 Deal

Started at 14:00 finished at 19:00, No fish until 18:20.
1st Simon North  3 fish
2nd Robert Mitchell  2 fish 3rd Simon Constable 1fish
4th Paul Foot 1fish.

2022 Qualifiers - Simon Constable, Simon North & Robert Mitchell


2022 Qualifiers - Bill Mitcham, Kev Eley & Simon Saunders


2022 Qualifiers - Brian de Souza, Steve Doherty & Graham Berry

2019 Qualifiers - not competing this year
North West Shore Angling Qualifiers 2023
Q1 Otterspool Q2 New Brighton Overall Overall
Name cm points cm points  Total Points  Position
Nigel Conlon 331 1 63 1 2 Q3
Dave Crompton 66 11 DNC 9 20 12
Mickey Duff 297 2 92 0 2 Q2
Dave Fung 260 3 DNC 9 12 5 (Res 2)
Terry Farrington 73 10 DNC 9 19 11
Andrew Gunn 196 7 DNC 9 16 7
Tony Hamer 201 6 DNF 10 16 7
Steve Hulse DNF 12 DNC 9 21 13
Keith Lees 169 8 DNF 10 18 9
Chris Neden 222 5 32 2 7 4 (Res 1)
Eric Robinson DNF 12 DNC 9 21 13
Derek Smalley 251 4 DNF 10 14 6
Alan Turner 594 0 Q1 Q1
Paul Whiteley 153 9 DNC 9 18 9

2023 Qualifiers - A. Turner, M. Duff & N. Conlon

1st leg - Cogden Beach 13/05/24

Seven anglers attended this rearranged shore match. The original planned match for 8th April being postponed due to predicted poor weather forecasts provided by the meteorological websites and local weatherman.
On the 11th May, the start time of the match was further amended by 1 hour due to constantly changing forecasts predicted for the day.

Moderate SSE winds and driving rain was predicted during the match. All anglers were informed prior to the match to bring full weatherproofs and beach shelters to protect them from the adverse weather conditions.

A Risk Assessment appraisal was given to all attendees in the car park and followed throughout the match.

During the match, the weather worsened with wind, rain and sea state increasing. With no fish recorded and with conditions exceeding the predicted forecasts for the day, the match was abandoned at 16:30Hrs

(2 ½ Hrs in to the competition).

All anglers were packed up and back at their cars by approximately 17:00Hrs.

The 2nd Leg is planned for 4th October with the venue being Seaton Beach, Devon.

Anglers were made aware that the first three highest scoring anglers will be put forward to represent the South West Region at the 2025 Sea Angling Shore Finals.

Fingers crossed the weather gods will be kinder in October.

2024 Qualifiers - 



1st leg - Bridlington North beach 28.10.23

Five anglers turned out to fish the five hour match from 1430 --1930 on a 6.0m tide, light South/South Easterly
 winds and calm sea.

1st    Martin Bradshaw        671cms    23 fish
2nd   Alan Walsh                 334cms    12 fish
3rd   Graham Lund             115cms     4 fish
4th    Iain Colquhoun           114cms     4 fish
5th    Barry Middlebrooke    86cms     3 fish.
Well done Graham in your first regional match.

2nd leg - Bridlington North beach 29.11.23

Conditions were ideal, calm sea, no weed, dry with a 6mph North/North Westerly wind.

1st Martin Bradshaw
2nd Graham Lund
3rd Iain Colquhoun
4th Alan Walsh

Paul Whiteley fishing as a guest caught 643cms 24 fish.

A total of 115 fish were caught between the five anglers in five hours.

79 Whiting, 30 Flatties and 6 Rockling.
3rd leg - Bridlington North beach 14.12.23

Five anglers turned out to fish the third Yorkshire region beach qualifier. Conditions were perfect with flat calm sea, no weed, wind from the west and no rain forecast.
1st,   Martin Bradshaw       684cms
2nd,  Alan Walsh                600cms
3rd, Graham Lund              557cms
4th, Iain Colquhoun           551cms
5th Barry Middlebrooke,    330cms. 
Final placings:
1st    Martin Bradshaw        2 points 
2nd   Alan Walsh                  4 points 
3rd   Graham Lund              5 points 
4th   Iain Colquhoun           7 points 
5th  Barry Middlebrooke   10 points.
The three anglers who will fish for Yorkshire in the National Team Finals will be Martin Bradshaw, Alan Walsh, Iain Colquhoun. Graham has got family commitments so can't make the final.

2024 Qualifiers -  Martin Bradshaw, Alan Walsh & Iain Colquhoun
2022 Qualifiers - Jim Worrall, Dave Moyse & Mitch Johnson

1st leg - 
River Tyne Scotswood 11th June 2022
Name Peg Number of Fish Species Length of Fish (cm) Position Points
Dave Grieve 6 24 19 Flounders, 5 Eels 654cm 1st 5
Alan O'Neill 5 14 10 Flounders, 3 Eels, 1 Whiting 354cm 2nd 4
Ray Edmonds 2 10 10 Flounders 243cm 3rd 3
Rob Wilson 7 5 4 Flounders, 1 Eel 119cm 4th  2
Phil Darling 1 3 3 Flounders 79cm 5th 1
Paul Whitely (Guest) 3 3 2 Flounders, 1 Eel 71cm 6th 0
Mark Atkinson 4 2 2 Flounders 52cm 7th 0
Dave Gardner 8 0 N/A 0 8th 0
Dave McKenzie 9 0 N/A 0 9th 0
Janes Windebank 10 0 N/A 0 10th 0

2nd leg - 

Haven Beach South Shields 9th October 2022
Name Number of Fish Species Length of Fish (cm) Position Points
Dave Grieve 14 7 Coalfish, 6 Codling, 1 Flounder 326 1st 5
Alan O'Neill 15 12 Codling, 3 Coalfish 299 2nd 4
Ray Edmonds 9 8 Codling, 1 Coalfish 200 3rd 3
Paul Whitely 9 9 Codling 166 4th  0
Rob Wilson 4 3 Codling, 1 Coalfish 83 5th 2
Phil Darling 3 2 Codling, 1 Coalfish 68 6th 1
Dave McKenzie 0 N/A 0 7th 0
Mark Atkinson 0 N/A 0 8th  0
James Windebank 0 N/A 0 9th 0

3rd leg -

Blyth Beach 30th October 2022
Name Number of Fish Species Length of Fish (cm) Position Points
Alan O'Neill 13 10 Flounders, 2 Codling, 1 Turbot 295cm 1st 5
Dave Grieve 12 9 Flounders, 2 Turbot, 1 Coalfish 283cm 2nd 4
Dave McKenzie 11 10 Flounders, 1 Coalfish 269cm 3rd 3
Rob Wilson 6 6 Flounders 162cm 4th  2
Phil Darling 6 6 Flounders 139cm 5th 1
Ray Edmonds 2 2 Flounders 45cm 6th 0
James Windebank 0 N/A 0 7th 0
Mark Atkinson 0 N/A 0 8th 0

Final standings -

Name Number of Fish Length of Fish (cm) Position Points
Dave Grieve 50 1263cm 1st 14
Alan O'Neill 42 800 948cm 2nd 13
Ray Edmonds 21 488cm 3rd 6
Rob Wilson 15 364cm 4th 6
Phil Darling 12 286cm 5th 3
Dave McKenzie 11 269cm 6th 3
Paul Whitely (Guest) 12 237cm 7th 0
Mark Atkinson 2 52cm 8th 0
James Windebank 0 N/A 9th 0
Dave Gardner 0 N/A 10th 0

2023 Qualifiers -  Dave Grieve, Alan O'Neill and Ray Edmonds

2022 Qualifiers - Gus Brindie, Dave Mc Kervil & Sean Baxter
2022 Qualifiers - Clive Bonnett, Ian Edwards & Dave Thompson  

2022 Qualifiers - Mr P. Harries, Mr A. Daniels &
 R. Powell